With multiple boards for furries compared to AuroraChan's one, users had slowly been moving across to FilthySlothChan so Jay suggested to Filthy that they approach Serpentor about making FilthySlothChan the new new official home of the Aurorafurries. The website consisted of four boards: /fur/ - Furries, /c/ - Comics, /s/ - Sexy Beautiful Women, and /lo/ - Lounge today three of those boards still exist: /fur/, /c/ and /lo/ although they have since been joined by many other boards. They named it FilthySlothChan, a portmanteau of their usernames (one of Jay's aliases was AlienSloth Man). Jay, the previous owner of U-18Chan, joined Filthy in creating the new Chan. The first attempt for a separate website failed shortly after its creation so the Aurorafurries turned to Image Board 4 Free, a website that used to allow users to create their own *Chan websites for free off custom ImageBoard software, where an AuroraChan furry Filthy had previously set up a board.

Although AuroraChan was the base of operations for the Aurorafurries the limitation of a single board and frequent deletions of collections led to the need for a separate website. From here all current U-18Chan administrators met. As the community on /fur/ grew and developed its own alias, the Aurorafurries, a Xat chat room was created by Serpentor (a moderator on /fur/) to better co-ordinate raids. The /fur/ board was used to co-ordinate raids on /b/ so fellow furries were drawn to AuroraChan's /fur/ from /b/ raids. In early 2006 a community formed around the newly created /fur/ board on AuroraChan of furries drifting over from 4Chan's /b/. The U-18Chan community came from an older community of the Aurorafurries which came from AuroraChan in 2006. U-18Chan was born like many *Chan websites from the first English speaking Imageboard 4Chan and has used Kusaba X in the past to run the site. Our staff all have their own perspective of these types of things. U-18Chan is not based on any political or moral basis. As stated in our FAQ section the 'pawstika' seen around the site is the adopted symbol of the Aurorafurries, the group who created this site. While our name does come from a German U-boat from WWI. In light of recent events I thought it would be worth stating that here at U-18Chan we do not condone Nazi ideology nor is our goal to spread the hatred and prejudice associated.